
Freitag, Juli 28, 2006

NFS shared Homes

I have 3 PC's at home. A few weeks ago I put my home-dir on one of them (gentoo), shared it with NFS and mounted it on the others (ubuntu dapper) in fstab.

But there are still some problems:

First of all, when I turn on a dapper PC /home doesn't get mounted, most of the time; sometimes it does. After a 1-3 Minutes (with luck) it get's mounted. If not I need to go to console, issue mount -a which runs ~3 Minutes and then /home is mounted.

This is a bit weired, but I could live with it by now...i seldom turn of or restart my pc's.

But a much bigger problem, is that on one dapper PC (IP when I start firefox or some other application it takes a long time (>30secs) until I see any progress or splash-screen or something.

According to dmesg it has difficulties reaching (gentoo box with shared /home) and localhost (!). WTF?

I installed nfs-kernel-server and now the kernel-messages and the delay are gone.

I hope this issue is resolved now...

Nomike aka Michael Postmann


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